Chapters – Beginnings and Endings and In Between

We Have This Life As a realtor, I have a very particular viewpoint directly into the lives of many people, and many very different kinds of people – young adults, retirees, single people, married people, parent people, pet people, divorced people – ALL kinds of people. I love working with them, and figuring out what […]

New Year’s Resolutions

There are lots of things I don’t know – I’ll be the first to admit it. I also have been fortunate enough in my life to have run into some people who had some wisdom to share – and when it comes to learning helpful and useful information, I always try to listen well, and take good notes.

After the Fire

A Tale of Rebuilding On a summer’s day in August of 2017, my friend Julie was spending the afternoon at a friend’s home, relaxing in the pool with her 7 year old daughter, when she received a notification on her phone from her home security company. The fire department had been deployed to her Roland […]

From Harp To Real Estate

There came a point when it became clear to me that new adventures were calling. The life of a performing musician can be a solitary one. There are countless hours spent alone, practicing and preparing. More and more, I yearned for more collaboration, and interaction with people. I knew I was ready for a change. As I saw fewer and less satisfying possibilities for myself as a harpist, I knew it was time to set my sights on a new endeavor. I started to consider the possibility of real estate.